6 Reasons Why Sodium Hexametaphosphate for Water Treatment is a Good Choice

Do you want to know the benefits of sodium hexametaphosphate for water treatment? You can find sodium hexametaphosphate at any well-stocked hardware store. It is a chemical added to drinking water and wastewater as an algicide, disinfectant, and pH buffer. The sodium ion binds with phosphorus which helps remove it from the water making it safe for humans and wildlife.
The best thing about sodium hexametaphosphate is that if managed properly, its use won’t harm your aquatic life as other chemicals do. It’s also affordable so this could be a great option for those on a budget or who don’t have enough money to pay for expensive treatments such as reverse osmosis.

shmp for water treatment

In this article, you will learn about sodium hexametaphosphate’s benefits such as:

1. It removes iron and manganese from drinking water
Iron is another water contaminant that can cause staining of your clothes but it is also the main cause of the yellowish colour in your sink or bathtub. If left untreated, the iron in the water can corrode your pipes and fixtures. It may even stain your teeth when you drink water from the tap.
You will find sodium hexametaphosphate for water treatment at most home improvement stores that offer de-ironizing chemicals for drinking water treatment. The iron ions bind with sodium ions that are present in sodium hexametaphosphate so your water stays clear and odourless.
2. It improves the taste of tap water
The sodium ion helps control chlorine’s taste, smell, and colour to make it better for drinking. This way you can still enjoy clean tap water without any foul tastes or odours that may be present due to the sodium hexametaphosphate’s binding to other chemicals in the water.
3. It increases food safety
When sodium hexametaphosphate binds with excess phosphorus, the latter no longer causes algal blooms that can contaminate waterways and harm aquatic life. By removing excess phosphorus, SHMP chemical improves the safety of the drinking water and reduces your risk of being exposed to harmful toxins.
4. It helps remove phosphorus from wastewater
Phosphorus is a common element found in many places such as waterways, soil, and rocks. It is an essential nutrient for plant growth but too much phosphorus can cause algal blooms that reduce oxygen levels in the water. This can eventually kill all aquatic life and affect the surrounding ecosystem as well.
5. It works as a pH buffer
As sodium hexametaphosphate binds with calcium, magnesium, sodium, or potassium ions in your water, it helps maintain its pH balance. This means that sodium hexametaphosphate will work even when you are using chlorine as a disinfectant.
6. It is reusable
Sodium hexametaphosphate can be reused by passing it through a sediment filter and water softener (if needed) before returning it to your drinking and wastewater systems. This makes sodium hexametaphosphate an affordable option for water treatment over time as you can use the same chemical to remove several types of contaminants.

1000kg sodium hexametaphosphate

What are cons of sodium hexametaphosphate for Water Treatment?

1. It may reduce water pressure
Sodium hexametaphosphate can cause your water pressure to fluctuate or drop when you first install sodium hexametaphosphate in your water treatment system. However, after the chemical has had time to bind with excess sodium, calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium ions in your water supply, sodium hexametaphosphate will typically only cause minor fluctuations or drops in water pressure.
2. It is hazardous to aquatic life
Sodium hexametaphosphate can lead to sodium and phosphorus accumulation in the water as sodium ions bind with sodium hexametaphosphate. This sodium ion replaces sodium that was previously bound with phosphorus so it becomes part of the wastewater flow. Additional sodium on top of already present sodium ions accumulates, causing sodium to be present in higher concentrations than phosphorus. This difference causes sodium ions to bind with calcium, magnesium, sodium, and potassium ions that are already present in the water leading to changes in your aquatic ecosystem or even the death of aquatic life.
3. It may cause serious health problems if ingested
The sodium ion is an essential nutrient but too much sodium can lead to serious health problems. If sodium hexametaphosphate is ingested in high concentrations, sodium ions bind with calcium, magnesium, sodium, or potassium ions that are already present in the water leading to increased levels of sodium throughout your body. This problem may cause you to develop especially high blood pressure which increases your risk for heart attack or stroke.
4. It may cause sodium contamination in wastewater
Sodium is a common element found in drinking water as sodium hexametaphosphate is added to improve its taste and smell. If sodium hexametaphosphate isn’t filtered before you dispose of it into the wastewater, sodium ions will continue to accumulate throughout your wastewater treatment process. If sodium is present in concentrations that are greater than 10,000 mg/L, sodium ions can cause significant problems with the wastewater system including corrosion of pipelines and drop in pH levels.


There are many benefits of sodium hexametaphosphate for water treatment because it has been used for years to remove excess phosphorus from wastewater and drinking water. When you are looking for sodium hexametaphosphate, pay attention to the quality, you need to choose a reliable supplier, CHEMATE CHEMICAL COMPANY will be your ideal choice. With proper use, sodium hexametaphosphate will only cause minor fluctuations in water pressure and sodium levels. Using sodium hexametaphosphate in an effective water treatment system will reduce the risk of sodium contamination in your wastewater treatment process.